Saturday, June 7, 2008

11 days to go

Hey everyone thanks for all your prayers. First off I can say that we are now all healthy, Jess has defeated Maleria. Jared and Melissa are healthy so that's very nice! It has been such a blessing this past week. We have been going to different schools preaching but mostly just hanging out with the kids. We have been trying to encourage the kids. Today it was really good, our team sat down and had a very good talk and really helped bring us closer and closer to God! We still have a long time here so just keep praying for us because we don't want to lose focus on what is in the making for us. Please pray for health because if we get sick now it won't be good. This next week we will be speaking to about two schools a day and two bible studies on wednesday and friday. Plus waking the kids up and putting all 57 of them back to sleep so as you can think it will be a crazy week. We can't wait to get home and see all your faces.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear that Jess got better. Melissa and Jared, STAY HEALTHY!! I hope that you three are all in good spirits. I'm praying for you guys all the time. Keep it together and don't lose focus on the people of Uganda. God bless you three.

Steph said...

You are all in our prayers..just about every 5 seconds!! Thank the Lord for healing Jess and bringing the three of you closer to God. Keep up all of your positive energy! Remember you are blessing them as well as they are blessing you in many ways! Stay focused and always rely on God, he will always be there! Love you Mom. See you soon!!

Melissa's Mom said...

It is so exciting to hear how God is using all of you and growing each of you through this experience! May the remaining days be full of God's blessings, good health and rich memories. We are so looking forward to seeing our special Melissa on June 20th! I am sure Jared & Jess' parents are also counting down the days!

Joua said...

hey guys. I am so glad that you guys are having a great time. Know that the office of Admissions is praying for you guys. i was there last summer, and the family there is awesome. Don't forget to keep those relationships that you are building and let God be your strength when you are weak. Tell everyone Joua said hi and they should know who I am. Enjoy Uganda

Micah said...

Hey guys,

I'm encouraged to hear of your perseverance and steadfast faith, even in the midst of trials. I apologize that I have not been in contact with you all, but you have been on my heart and in my prayers. There is still some lingering hurt in not being able to be with you along the journey, but I know that He works all things together for good, and that He has a plan. Once again I want you all to know my love for each one of you and my sincerest apologies for letting you down as a leader. I believe in each one of you, and I always have. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. You don't have to be strong enough to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, One already did when He carried the cross upon His beaten and bruised back. May the word of the Lord go into Uganda and may many souls be saved. Please share my love with Pastor David, Charles, and Peter.

I hope you guys have a lot of fun!!!! Enjoy England too when you get there!!!


hey you awesome uganda team!!! we just miss all of your faces really... but i know God is using you for an INCREDIBLE work over there... so, i guess we can make the sacrifice of having to be without you for a little bit ;). jess, i'm SO GLAD you're better--we've been praying for you a ton! and jared....i'm still trying to figure out if "jared mustache" is a name or a prayer request for you to grow one, but that's in my prayers too...i just mumble something like, "and Lord, i just pray hem, you know what i mean..."
so yeah.

melissa, i just get the feeling that you are such a joy to those children over there, and if you don't see it, i pray that He will give you a beautiful glimpse of that before you guys are done!

anyway, that's all for now. our team loves your team!! (it's true--you can't escape us, even in another country). keep persevering to the glory of our Father in Heaven!

peace and joy,